Many people are asking the same question. Successful Digital Marketers and growth hackers love tripwire offers and you are about to discover why they are the top-secret to get new customers.
Tiny offers and tripwires are basically the same. What matters is WHERE you place your tiny offer or tripwire in your funnel.
A tripwire is a tiny offer that gets placed after somebody downloads a freebie. A tripwire will entice your customers to make a small purchase to get them to make larger purchases in the future. By getting customers to take small actions, you’re much more likely to get them to say yes to your big core offer.
If the customer decides to make the purchase, they’ll go to the purchase page, and then they’ll see your upsell. If they don’t make the purchase, you still have a chance to capture their email.
Ps: In case you missed it – I recorded a video with Abigail K for our online community and learning hub for women entrepreneurs over 40, where we talk all about tiny offers. Watch it here.
Before I go any further, do you know what a tiny offer is? Do you use them in your business? I recorded a video with Abigail K. for our online community and learning hub for women entrepreneurs over 40, where we talk all about tiny offers. Watch it here.
Although it’s got a small price tag, so much time and effort is required with a tiny offer, almost as it is with a big product.
When creating a tiny offer, you will need the following assets:
A landing page/sales page
“Thank you” page
Upsell (if you’re going to be including upsells and order bumps)
Email sequence
Checkout cart
All these moving parts are essential in making up your tiny offer engine. It could take up to six months from concept, designing to writing copy, and all the different assets you will need so that your engine can move.
Additionally, there will be the promotion stage of running the ads, or if you’re going to be using it as a tripwire, you’re going to be placing it after each download.
Realistically six months is the accepted timeline to create a tiny offer.
If you’re prepared to put the work in, tiny offers can give you significant results. All worth it, if you ask me.
Tiny offers … what are they? Small, inexpensive products that are supposed to blow up your business. At least that’s what we think people are saying they do: start with a tiny offer, grow your audience exponentially and possibly make you a ton of money. I recorded a video with Abigail K for our online community and learning hub for women entrepreneurs over 40about tiny offers. Watch it here.
Here are five tiny offers or tripwire ideas you could use for your retreat centre or yoga business:
1. Put together a bundle of meditation or yoga music. This bundle could be for sleep or treating anxiety and stress.
2. Offer an Ayurvedic detox plan that people can buy and purchase with a shopping list that they could then go and buy all the different ingredients.
3. Create a mini-course. For example, a joint mobility course specifically to the shoulder or how to improve your pranayama practice. These are the mini-courses that could potentially lead to a bigger course late on.
4. Host online workshops such as ‘how you can improve your inversions’. Workshops are a fun and fantastic way to showcase your expertise.
5. Offer a daily yoga practice planner would also be a very effective tiny offer or tripwire.
Now back to you. In the comments, let me know which one of the five tiny offers here will be YOUR first choice.
Creating a tiny offer or tripwire for your coaching business can be quite daunting if you don’t have the ideas to begin with. So I just want to help you a little bit along the road.
Note: If you don’t know what a tiny offer is, check out this video I recorded with Abigail K for our online community and learning hub for women entrepreneurs over 40.
Here are five tiny offer or tripwire ideas that you can use for your coaching business:
If you’re a weight loss coach, you could be offering meal plans, shopping plans, all of these different things that people can literally print out and apply in their business straight away.
If you have a book, or you’re going to be writing a book, you could offer it as a free book, but they would need to either buy or need to pay for the shipping. It is a quite a powerful tool because they feel that they’re getting a free book but they’re paying for the shipping.
If you have a full blown online course already done, you could package one or two modules of your course as a tiny offer or tripwire.
I find selling a workbook or journal that people could buy to work on themselves, to make notes and journal all their thoughts and their feelings works nicely. And if it’s beautifully designed, people will jump on that. It’s a big trend.
You could be running a high value webinar. Sometimes webinars for free but if you are really teaching something really deep and have high value you can charge for it. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It can be used as a tiny offer.
This is the first in a series of 1 minute answers, so if you have any questions that you would like me to cover next, let me know!
Hi, everyone, I’m Tiffany K. Borruso. And I help women entrepreneurs grow their businesses through effective and powerful online marketing strategies that get results.
So today I wanted to address a topic that I know is eluding a lot of people and that is, what blog articles should you write? That gets you up in the rankings in Google, and are interesting to your particular audience.
Now, this is very timely, because I’m hoping a lot of you are planning your Christmas strategy sessions for the year coming 2021. And this is a time where you should be sitting down and planning out your campaigns and your blog topics for the year or maybe the first six months of next year. If you’re not, don’t worry, there’s always time to do it later on. But it’s a good time to reflect now on what this crazy 2020 has been like, and what 2021 is going to be all about. So I’m going to be sharing my screen and showing you a very easy and the most effective way to find out what articles you should be writing for your blog.
So here we go. Right. So first of all, we are going to be using Google, Google actually tells you what you should write. And it’s called Google populate. It’s no fancy website, software, or anything like that. It’s using good old Google. Here in the search bar, you are given a list of things that people are actually searching for. This is called Google populate. Google will show you the most searched terms that people are searching for relating to your topic. So for example, if you have an aesthetic clinic, skincare clinic, and you would like to write, we would like to find out if people are searching for winter skincare. So let’s type in winter skincare. Now, here you go. This is what Google is saying people actually typing in. Let’s say for dry skin, a lot of people struggle with dry skin and winter. So let’s see what they are searching for. Right?
When it’s winter skincare for dry skin is a very broad term. So if you click on a search bar again, you have even more specific topics. So how to prevent dry skin in winter naturally. That’s fantastic. Winter skincare routine for dry skin homemade. There’s also another type of topic. So if we go into how to prevent dry skin in winter, naturally, Google will give you even more stuff to think about. And that is here. Under the section people also ask.
Because at the end of the day, Google will show you the things that people want to know about. And if you are clever, and you tune into it, you have all the information here. You can scroll further down. And Google gives you some more information relating to this topic. How To Cure dry skin on face overnight, Home Remedies for skincare on the face, so on. So he Google’s literally telling you what people are searching for.
So if I were you, I would write an article about how to prevent dry skin in winter naturally. And then I will include subtitles within the blog article, such as addressing questions, is it normal to have dry skin during winter? That should be a nice little paragraph in your article. And maybe you want to include a home remedy part so you would include a subtitle on how to get rid of dry skin on face home remedies and they don’t have to be verbatim like literally the same words that you see here. You can make it flow better because how to get rid of dry skin on face home remedies is not a very nice subtitle but you could say home remedies to get rid of dry skin. That was a bit the Google will still understand where it is and you are addressing this particular question. So this is Google populate you can use other tools such as keyword tool, dot i o or Uber suggest. They are all good tools and but they are Paid, there are free versions, but they to get more details such as the volume of search traffic, you will need to pay and some of them can be quite pricey.
So if you just as a solo entrepreneur and you have your own business, and you’re watching what you’re spending your company or your cost on some of these tools, actually not necessarily because Google will tell you the information that you need to know.
But I just wanted to show you these two big guys. Keyword Tool is excellent to use. You could but at the end of the day, they actually use the information that Google gives them, which is effectively Google populate, but they just go one step further and give you search volumes. So winter skincare. And then you would choose the place in the language that you want to search in.
And here, they will show you different options, which is effectively Google populate, but on the paid version, you will then actually see how many people are searching for a particular term per month, and so on, you can also have a look at what questions people are asking related to these keywords. Okay, there’s much more here, but sometimes they really show you.
You can even search what YouTube is showing for winter skincare, and so on. But I use this a little bit, but I mainly use Google populate, to give me some very, very good ideas. And it will suggest basically follows the same structure up. That’s what I wanted to say, these keyword tools, and will suggest or give you an option to choose language and location. But Google pet populate looks like it does not but it actually does.
Now, if you are in the UK, I would go to a new incognito window. And make sure that you are searching Okay, so then Google will be showing you the information relating to searches in the UK. If you are in Spain, make sure that you are using Spanish Google. So they show you appropriate results of where your audience is SAT, sitting. And there you go, a very, very easy way to find out what you should be writing about in your blog topics.
So if I were you and you’re planning out your 12 months, blog, plan, make each month a theme. So for example, if you’re an aesthetic clinic, and we’re in winter, it will be all about your skin dealing with the winter problems for December, January, February, then once you start going into spring, then March April will be more about getting your skin ready for summer, and so on. So have themes over months, and then find what people are searching for relating to those themes.
I hope that has helped you out. There is no excuse now to not go ahead and plan out your blogs. Find out what people are searching for and get writing because, at the end of the day, content is queen. That’s all for today and I look forward to giving you some more value in upcoming videos. Bye for now.
If you run your own small business, it’s quite possible that the topic of this blog is already a pain point for you. You got off to a great start, quickly attracting new clients through recommendations and word of mouth and the future was looking bright. But when you decided to step it up a gear and leverage your website to drive increased business…..nothing happened. The website that you thought showcased your business perfectly is bringing in nothing – no phone calls, email queries – and your morale is lowering by the day.
Frustrating as this undoubtedly is, don’t despair! There are actually a couple of things – three, in fact – that you can do that have the potential to make a real difference to the ability of your website to capture new clients. Let’s walk through each of them:
1. Be crystal clear who your ideal client is
This feels like such an obvious message but it’s one that so many small business owners too often overlook. Sure, you want to maximize your chances of getting business and therefore have created a website and content to appeal to as many potential customers as possible.
Conversely, this is usually the least likely way to appeal to your ideal client!
It’s absolutely critical to define your ideal client in order to engage with them and have them trust and relate to you enough to want to buy from you.
Spend some time thinking deeply about who your ideal client is right down to the detail. What are their dreams, what are they struggling with, what does their everyday life look like? Give them a name so that when you are writing your website or social media content, you know who you are talking to and you feel like you are building a relationship with them.
That makes it so much easier for you (and them) to see how your products or services could actually make a difference to their day to day lives. And to create content to appeal directly to them and encourage them to work with you or buy from you.
2. Your website should be beautiful but, more than that, it should be effective
An eye-catching and attractive website, full of information about your brand and product/service, is important. But it absolutely must be effective at producing quality leads and clients for your business too. There are several different elements that your website needs to have in order to do this well. I have created a course of five bite-sized and super-actionable parts for you to work through and create a website that will draw in new clients and leads. Check it out here
The course will show you how to make your website set up so that it guides visitors to take action – whether it is signing up to your mailing list, downloading a lead magnet (more on this later), fill out a contact form – whatever it takes to encourage that initial contact with you.
3. Harness the power of a lead magnet
I highly recommend that every single website has at least one lead magnet as they are such a potentially powerful way of introducing your services and building a relationship with new clients.
What is a lead magnet? It is a piece of information that is very actionable and a quick win for your website visitor that they can implement to solve an immediate problem that they might have. You could use a quick cheat sheet checklist, quiz, short video – whatever medium you think would work best to attract your ideal client.
But the beauty of the lead magnet is that, in return for downloading it, your website visitor will give you their email address, meaning that you can communicate with them via email in so many ways, from introducing yourself and your services to sending them blog posts or offers.
Lead magnets are such an effective way of starting and maintaining a dialogue with an audience that is already interested in what you offer because they’ve already had a fruitful experience with you.
I hope you found these three tips useful and relevant to your business. Subscribe to my YouTube channel or follow my Facebook page if you would like to receive regular updates and inspiration from me about how to grow your business online.