The final secret of a high converting website is getting to know your data, and that is using Google Analytics. So, if you've implemented all the secrets in the previous videos, you will improve your conversions and the number of people contacting you. However, the last secret and the last ingredient that I want to share with you is to instal Google Analytics on your website and become best friends. A lot of people are intimidated when they hear analytics because it means data and numbers and some people can't manage that, but knowledge is power and the knowledge and data that Google Analytics gives you will take your business to the next level. I promise you that because you get so much insight from it, that you can make good educated decisions and realise where you want to invest your money in and your time so that you can always grow your business. So, what is Google Analytics? Some people don't know and basically, Google Analytics is arguably the most powerful website and analytics application available today. It is supplied by Google themselves, and it is completely free. And Analytics is a super powerful application for tracking your traffic patterns on your website. You get a lot of information. I'll tell you what you can find out now. You can learn so much on your website, like I said, all about your visitors and how they actually interact on your website. You get to know things such as who visits your website, are they male, are they female, what age bracket are they in? Also, sometimes you can get information such as the income brackets, which is also very useful for getting to know who your audience is. What are they in the market for? So, you actually can see if people are in the market to book a holiday at the moment, or are buying property, or all this information so you can really get a picture of who your visitor is. You can also find out about where your visitors are from. Both sides, what country, so where physically located are they. But also, where do they actually come into your website from? So, they can come through a social media post, a referral, another website refers them to your website, organically through Google, being all these different sources. You can find out where they come from and then you can spend more time, and if you want money, on promoting your website and your services on those platforms so they can grow more. You can also see what pages are the most popular ones. You can really capitalise on that. So, if you see certain blog posts are most popular, you know that your visitors are interested in that, so you can create more content along the same lines. That's also very powerful. You can also find out if your website is engaging. So, do they arrive and then look around your website and then just leave? That means they're not very engaged. They couldn't find what they were looking for. Or do they arrive and they start maybe on the homepage and you can see that they go through to the about page? The about page is very important, maybe you need to work on that and get people to contact you through there. Or do they then go to the blog? You can see their journeys through your website and make educated decisions about, well, which pages are working and which ones are not. If they don't do anything and they just leave, then that means they're not very engaged, so you need to find out what the problem is and try and fix it. You can also see what page the majority of people leave on. So, if most people leave on your about page, then that means there is no clear next step for when people are on your visitors page. So, you want them to stick around. So, what can you make them stick around, do they need more information? Do they need a call to action button that you forgot to put on the about page? Or you need to maybe put the services on your about page at the bottom, so when they finish reading about you, they then get led onto your services pages. You can see you can make lots of different changes to keep them on your website. The idea is to keep them on your website and get them to contact you. You can even set up goals in Google Analytics, and that's really clever. So, you can set up a goal being filling out a form or downloading a lead magnet or clicking on your telephone number and making a call. You can set this up in Google Analytics as a goal, and then every time something like that happens it gets registered. And then, you can compare that information month on month and see if you're improving or not and then make your decision based on that. So, you then have measurable results and then you can review and improve them every month. I don't recommend looking at Google Analytics data every single day. You want to be comparing over periods and seeing if you have a trend going up or going down, but I can get very in depth with that so I'm not going to do that now. I just wanted to introduce you to it and show you how important it is to get all this information, then you can always improve your website. So, this is just a surface and just an introduction of Google Analytics, and there's so much more that you can learn, but what is important is what you do with this data. It's fantastic, we get all this information and great, but if you don't do anything with it then it's useless, then it means absolutely nothing. So, it's important that you get this information and then read it and understand it, and then take action based on these results. And if you get accurate information and fast, you can see real time as well, and then otherwise it's a day's lag behind. Then, you can respond better to changes and make sure your visitors and customers are kept happy and happy means more leads and more sales. So, there you have it, five secrets to a high converting website. I hope you enjoyed learning and I'm really excited that you get to implement these quick wins on your website. They are very straightforward to do. As an easy reference, I have created a PDF cheat sheet, so you can download so you don't have to keep watching every single video, although you can if you like, of course. But if you download that cheat sheet, then you can go through it while you're updating your website. And if you haven't already, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'll be doing, from September onwards, weekly videos. Or you can join me on Facebook, where I will be also showing you my videos and posts on how to convert your website into an automated client generating tool. The links to YouTube and Facebook and the PDF download are below this video. So, go and check them out, I'd love to connect with you, let me know how you're doing. If you have any questions, I'm open to helping out. Don't be shy, and I'm really excited to make your business grow and thrive and take it to another level. Okay. So, I hope to see you very soon. Bye for now .