Hi, I'm back. Well done on completing your first video. You now know what to expect, so let's just jump right into the first secret of a high converting website. Now, this is a big one that most people mess up. You need to tell your visitor exactly what you do and how you solve their problem. This is what they're interested in. They don't care about anything else. You have just few seconds to convince them to stay on your website, so don't over complicate it, don't use any fancy or clever phrases, and try the 10 second test. What I mean with the 10 second test is if you were to show your website to a complete stranger and they had 10 seconds, five to 10 seconds, to actually look at your homepage, and then you close your computer or take the website away and you ask them what to do, will they be able to tell you? If they don't, then you failed, because that's what people generally do. They go to a website, and if they don't immediately see what they're looking for, they will leave. And then it cost you a lead. So make sure right front and center when you arrive on your website that you state clearly what you do and how you solve their problem. It's not about you, it's about them. So here's some examples that I've quickly thrown together. You will see, this is, for me, I would say a non-converting website or a very low converting website. So you've got a very long menu. There's so many different things here. I would say it's cluttered. You got the home, about, higher, the ranges. This is, by the way, hiring... But I won't actually tell you what it is because that's the whole point of this exercise. There's frequently asked questions, a blog, and a contact in the menu. Then you've got a nice picture and you've got a title or description. It says down to earth, free spirited, and adventurous. Do you know what this is yet? Also, what you don't see is a clear call to action. What is the visitor going to do next? Are you guiding them? So far you don't know what's going on, what the product is or the service, and how you can even contact these people. So this is an example of a low converting website. What I want you to remember is that confusion kills conversions. So please, please make it easy. Make it so easy for the 10 second test. So where does this important information such as what you are doing and how you're helping your visitor go? And it needs to be on the homepage, right front of center, at the top, the very first thing they see. And it's called above the fold, and I will explain this in the next slide. This, for me, is the same. It's the same business, but a higher converting website. And this is the aim that we all should strive towards. The layout can be a little bit different, but I just want to show you the important elements that actually change the old website that I showed you into this website that converts much higher. So here it states very clearly what you do, so you do ecological tableware for hire. Now, it could have been a wedding event company, who knows? But now it's very clear when you arrive on the website, you know straight away it's tableware. It's ecological tableware for hire. You also show who it's for. So it's for down to earth, free spirited, and adventurous brides. And you're also showing where they are, handmade artisan crockery from Surrey, the UK, United Kingdom. Literally in a couple of sentences, I know what this website is about, and then what's lovely as well is I can immediately contact them. I can book them now. I can get an inquiry in. So you're driving action. And all of this is literally above the fold. Above the fold is when you don't have to scroll any further. You arrive on the site and it's there right in front of you. There's no scrolling. So it's above the fold. Okay? You should have all of these elements above the fold so it's very clear, and you pass the 10 second test. Basically the principle is make it short, no fancy phrases, get to the point and people will stick around. They will then go and find out more about your prices or even take action and contact you. That was a very short lesson. I think I've shared a lot of information here. Have a look at your own website. See if you are able to pass that 10 second test. Show it to people that don't know you and don't know what you do. So you have to go to a complete stranger. It's actually quite fun. Don't be shy about it. Just ask the question. People are very open to actually give you their responses, and see if you could pass that test. I am so excited you are here, and this was the first lesson. Already done. Very short, to the point, but it makes you think. Go and have a look at your own website. Are you able to pass this 10 second test? Is it clear right from the beginning what you do and what you want your visitor to do next? So have a look, let me know. Well done, and I'll see you in the next video.